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Help the men and women that are bringing Jesus' gospel to the nations.

ECM welcomes Elena Yin as our Africa Field Director. She oversees all programming in Uganda, Congo, and Ghana.
Jim and Carolyn Driscoll moved from Haven of Hope (the Greater Accra Region) to the Central Region of Ghana. Their heart is evangelism and church...
Joset is working on starting a slowly developing ministry to children who have disabilities and their families. Children with disabilities are...
Kevin and Angela have a ministry working with men, women, and children in the area surrounding their village of Gaba in the Buikwe District.
Linda is currently serving in Uganda striving to educate, equip and empower the next generation through child sponsorship, vocational training, and...
Lita is a newly approved ECM missionary who plans to serve in Kinshasa, DR Congo. She is currently building her support team and training for the...
After helping found ECM in 1985 and serving with her husband John for 18 years as International Co-Director, Lorella is now dedicating her time and...
Having already served four years in Uganda, Russ and Marcia Baugh came to Every Child Ministries as experienced missionaries.
Sam is currently building his support team to work in Ghana at Haven of Hope Children's Home.