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Next Step

The Next Step Sponsorship Program is a great way to support a young person for three or four years, helping to move them from sponsorship to independence.  The program equips our sponsored children for adult life so that they are fully prepared to live on their own once their sponsorship is complete.  Children move into the Next Step Program, with staff approval, after the completion of the general child sponsorship program.

Children in the Next Step Program, working with ECM staff, develop a written plan to guide them as they make the transition to a more independent life. The young person may choose to attend university, start a business, or choose some kind of vocational training or apprenticeship to enter a trade. The sponsors are given the option to support the young person through these critical steps until they are fully ready to start life on their own. Once they complete their training or higher education, they move on from the Next Step Program and begin supporting themselves while still receiving emotional support, mentoring, and spiritual guidance from our international staff.

ECM also makes academic scholarships available to students for university studies. Click here to help fund these scholarships for high achieving students.

For ECM's young entrepreneurs, Business Start Up grants are also available.  Click here to help turn dreams in to realities!
Lumu is a Vocational student studying Electrical Installation...
DOB: 01/05/2002
Patrick is a Vocational student studying Building and Construction...
DOB: 06/15/2000
Jackline is a Vocational student studying Hair Dressing & Cosmetics ....
DOB: 05/12/2002
Joan is a University student studying Auto and Power Engineering...
DOB: 08/24/2001
Janet is a University student studying Environmental Health...
DOB: 05/08/1993
Daisy is a University student studying Accounting and Finance...
DOB: 06/17/2000
Emmanuel is a University student studying for a Bachelor's degree in Human Resources ...
DOB: 12/28/2001
Richmond is a University student studying Education...
DOB: 06/01/2001
Shafik is a Vocational student studying Motor Vehicle Mechanics ....
DOB: 05/15/2001
Derrick is a Vocational student studying Plumbing...
DOB: 03/12/2000
Patricia is a Vocational student studying Hair Dressing & Cosmetics ....
DOB: 01/01/2004
Moris is a Vocational student studying Journalism and Mass Communications...
DOB: 09/12/1998
Sylvanus is a University student studying Computer Programming...
DOB: 03/16/1998
Christine is a University student studying Law...
DOB: 04/19/2002
Vanessa is a University student studying Graphic Design...
DOB: 01/05/2000
Michael is a Vocational student studying Mechanics...
DOB: 01/15/2001
Hilda is a University student studying Social Science...
DOB: 10/02/2001
John is a University student wanting to study Journalism & Mass Communications...
DOB: 08/13/2012
David is a Vocational student studying Baking and Pastry...
DOB: 10/17/2001
Enoch is a Vocational student studying Electrical Engineering...
DOB: 11/10/2002
Abraham is a University student studying Human Resource Management...
DOB: 02/02/2000
Christiana is a University student studying Sociology and Social Works...
DOB: 04/24/2001
Aisha is a University student studying Sociology...
DOB: 04/18/2000
Jimmy is a University student studying for Bachelor's Degree in Social Sciences ...
DOB: 10/02/2001
Jackline is a University Student studying for a Bachelor's degree in Hotel & Institutional Catering ...
DOB: 01/16/2001
Brian is a Vocational student studying Carpentry and Joinery...
DOB: 06/04/1998
Emmanual is a University student studying Psychology and Philosophy...
DOB: 05/01/1998
Peter is a University student studying Nursing/Midwifery ...
DOB: 05/25/2002
Eric is a University student studying Computer Science...
DOB: 04/08/1998
Angela is a University student studying General Agriculture ...
DOB: 06/14/2000
Jackie is a University student studying Small Business Management...
DOB: 03/04/2003
Patrick is a Vocational student studying Public Administration and Management...
DOB: 10/12/1999
Irene is a University student studying Education...
DOB: 04/26/2003
Emmanuel is a Vocational student studying Computer Coding...
DOB: 05/16/2003
Nicolas is a University student studying Finance...
DOB: 12/21/2002
Adam is a Vocational student studying Motor Vehicle Mechanics...
DOB: 07/23/1997
Douglas is a University student studying Psychology...
DOB: 07/02/1998
Reagan is a Vocational student studying Social Work and Administration...
DOB: 05/15/1998
Patrick is a Vocational skills student studying Motorcycle Mechanics ...
DOB: 10/05/2002
Samuel is a University student studying Information Systems and Technology...
DOB: 11/23/2001