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Affiliations and Memberships

Independent and Non-Denominational
Every Child Ministries is independent, not controlled by another group. ECM is non-denominational, not tied to any church group, but an arm of the church universal, able and desiring to serve all who believe the Bible is the Word of God and Jesus Christ is the Son of God and only Savior. ECM is governed by its Board of Directors.
Every Child Ministries has been a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) since 1987, demonstrating its commitment to financial accountability by submitting to its rigorous scrutiny.  We have voluntarily chosen to submit to their high standards in our operations and procedures, ensuring the public that ECM, as stewards of God's resources, is using all donations wisely.  Membership requirements include a full audit every year.
Great NonProfits
Donor and other partner reviews have garnered ECM a Top Rated NonProfit by Great NonProfits. This rating reflects our stewardship and communication with our donors and partners.  ECM is pleased to be awarded the Great NonProfits 2022 Top-Rated NonProfit seal.
 (Candid) is an oversight organization to which Every Child Ministries provides financial information and other items like goals, strategies, and capabilities.  ECM is pleased to continue to participate in Candid's goal to provide transparency for the giving public, and we are proud to continue to be awarded Candid's Gold Seal of Transparency.
2023 Gold badge GuideStar-Candid
Ligonier Ministries
ECM partners with Ligonier to provide sound, biblical theological online course material for African pastors in the communities where we work. Ligonier Ministries exists to proclaim, teach, and defend the holiness of God in all its fullness to as many people as possible.
Ligonier Ministries Logo
Missio Nexus
ECM partners with Missio Nexus to stay mission-orientated and focused in all areas of our service with our partners and how we serve in the field. Missio Nexus is the largest association of globally focused organizations and churches in the USA and Canada. It represents over 20,000 global workers, 300 organizations, and hundreds of churches. Mission Nexus fosters shared learning, collaborative action, and increased effectiveness through its mission-oriented products, programs, and services.
     Missio Nexus
Mission Increase
Every Child Ministries works with Mission Increase to be equipped to multiply our collective Kingdom impact, so that more lives are transformed for Jesus. (
Ephesians 4:11-16)
Mission Increase
Other Affiliations and Memberships

Christian Leadership Alliance
ECM Leadership and staff have benefited from its alliance with CLA since 2015. Training, workshops, classes, and major conferences have enabled staff to maintain credentials and grow their leadership skills.

Harvest Hosts
ECM is part of the Harvest Host program. RV'ers can stop overnight at our Hebron, Indiana office on the way to their final destination. Rv'ers can purchase something from our Marketplace or give a donation. It's another way for ECM to keep helping the kids that need us and get the gospel to as many as we can!

Moody Bible Institute
Every Child Ministries has had an on-campus exhibit presence for many years at Moody and in recent years has been represented at the Moody Missions Conference each Fall. Both John and Lorella Rouster have taught workshops on the Importance of Children, Child Slavery, Slavery in the Bible, etc.

Every Child Ministries partners with STEER to offer farmers a practical way to contribute to missions by raising an animal or a crop for missions. By ECM's involvement with STEER, we also seek to stir missions interest among agriculturalists.