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Mission Central Staff

Mark Luckey - International Executive Director

Mark Luckey is no stranger to Every Child Ministries, having served as one of our own missionaries in Uganda with the Afayo Project. After more than fifteen years of missionary service in four African countries, Mark became the International Executive Director of Every Child Ministries in January 2015. Mark and his wife Stacy have six children and nine grandchildren.

Monica Miles-Office Manager

Monica accepted an offer to come on staff in 2001 after volunteering for a year.  She started under the Co-Founders, John & Lorella Rouster.  Monica has done all the jobs current staff do, but on a smaller scale, as the ministry has grown by leaps & bounds since she started!  Currently she supervises the staff, writes most of our e-mail communications, assists the International Director, and works on special projects.


Sandi Enyeart - Donor and Missionary Relations

Sandi joined the ECM Team in 2012. She processes most of the donations received, including all the online and EFT donations, and works closely with our missionaries, keeping them up to date on their support, and keeping their pages on our website current. Sandi also assists with the general day-to-day operations in the office including overseeing office volunteers.

Amber Hutcheson - Communications Coordinator

Amber has been with ECM since October 2020, working remotely from Florida.  Amber handles all our social media platforms and the coordination and layout of our newsletter.  Amber also joins the team for meetings about event fundraisers, direct mail appeal letters, and other communication matters.

Vicky Ross - Administrative Assistant

Vicky started with ECM in March 2022.  She handles various tasks around the office, such as answering the phone, writing encouraging notes on our partner receipts, surveying sponsors so we can improve our services, updating portions of the website as needed, preparing orders from our Marketplace, assisting with the planning and executing of fundraisers, and much more! 
Admin Assist-Vicky

Renee Mendez - Sponsorship Coordinator

Renee joined the ECM Team in February 2024. She coordinates many aspects of ECM's Child Sponsorship program, including communication between Mission Central and the field, communication between sponsors and their sponsored children, making new sponsorship packets, maintaining accurate information and so much more.

Thomasine Laib-Church Relations Coordinator

Thomasine Laib began serving in June 2024 as ECM's Church Relations Coordinator, a new position designed to develop and strengthen relationships between ECM and supporting churches.

Thomasine has served extensively in international mission work over the years, including several years in Africa. She has a passion for the lost, and a desire to see the church fulfill its calling to take the message of the Gospel to all people.  

In this new position, she will be connecting churches with ministry opportunities in Africa, in partnership with ECM, enabling them to more effectively reach the lost with the Good News of Jesus.