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Vision and Mission

Since 1985, Every Child Ministries has worked tirelessly to bring hope, help, and dignity to children and their families in the name of Jesus. We are a holistic ministry seeking to meet the spiritual and physical needs of the vulnerable, broken, and outcast. We bring hope for today by meeting physical needs, hope for tomorrow by providing opportunities for education, and hope for eternity by promoting spiritual growth.

It is our deep desire to impact the lives of children with the transformative message of the Gospel. We consider it a great privilege to partner with you on this incredible journey of faith and service.

Our Vision

Transformed Children Transforming the World

We see a world where children who have been transformed by the gospel spread that good news to their own families, communities, and wherever God may take them. 

We see children walking with Christ, growing in their faith and life skills, meeting life’s challenges with joy and confidence, knowing who they are in Christ. 

We see a world where every person involved in this mission is transformed; the giver receives, the receiver gives, and God’s kingdom expands. 

Our Mission

Transforming lives in Jesus' name by offering hope, help, and dignity to children, families, and communities

Our Core Values

We believe that God has given ECM a PURPOSE! 

In order to carry out this PURPOSE, we will be: 

Passionate – We are driven to help and encourage children, families, and communities holistically with the resources God has provided. 

United - United in faith and purpose, with a spirit of grace, our local and international staff members will work together to transform lives.  

Reaching OutWe will have the courage to seek out the most vulnerable and meet their needs. 

Partnership Minded - Recognizing the strength of the Body of Christ, we will actively seek to partner with other organizations and individuals to accomplish our ministry goals. 

Obedient – We will seek, through prayer and the study of Scripture, to know God’s will and follow His plan.  

Servants - Guided by Christ’s perfect example, we will serve the children and families in our programs with humility, dignity, and love. 

Evangelistic - We will share the Good News, helping others to learn of Jesus, believe in Him, and obey His words.