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Sam Desir

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Sam is currently building his support team to work in Ghana at Haven of Hope Children's Home.  For many years, Haven of Hope has served the community by providing safe, God-centered care for vulnerable children.  With recent changes in Ghanaian law, as well as our own understanding of what is best for children in these situations, our staff is working to lessen the amount of time that a child stays at the home, desiring to use the home primarily for short-term, emergency care. 

Sam, utilizing his experience in foster care, will be helping ECM establish a network of foster care families to benefit children in need.  He will be living on the Haven of Hope campus, working closely with ECM-Ghana staff, local churches, and government officials.

Will you partner with Sam and ECM to help fill this vitally important position, and enable children to be raised in safe, loving, God-centered families?  Join Sam's support team today!