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Search our projects to find out how ECM is ministering to those in need and how you can help.

Beautiful Blessings is a ministry of ECM missionary Sharise Riether in Democratic Republic of Congo. It is a safe place where babies and young...
Many areas in Africa are full of schools willing and even anxious to allow gospel presentations.  ECM’s Community Evangelism program reaches out to...
So few African churches have any program to attract and train children's workers. ECM has a long history of providing effective training for...
What would your life be like if you could not communicate with others or hear them talking to you?
Medical needs abound in Africa, as they do in so many places around the world.  From eye exams and eyeglasses to surgeries, medical equipment, and...
Thousands of Sunday schools have been established in Africa through ECM Training. Previously, these churches had nothing at all to reach children,...
The Mwinda Project: The Light of God's Word for Coming Generations in Congo Mwinda means “light” in two of the major languages of Congo—both in...
Vocational training for “hands on” careers is a part of many of ECM’s programs for street youth and orphans & vulnerable youth. Some youth are...
We sometimes take clear, healthy water for granted.  But in many places in Africa, that is not the case.  If a well is not near, the choice may be...