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Precious in His Sight

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Precious in His Sight is a ministry run by ECM missionary Joset Wells in Uganda that seeks to show the love of God to children who have disabilities and their families by coming alongside them and "bearing one another's burden" (Galatians 6:2). In Uganda, children who have disabilities are often hidden away, shunned, disposed of, outcast, forgotten, or used as tools for begging. Whole families become impacted by the child's disability when community members refuse to buy from businesses where there is a disabled child present or harm the child when the parents try to work away from home. The families who do love their children often struggle to meet their basic needs of food and medication, let alone needs like specialized education. Precious in His Sight seeks to show God's love "in deed and truth" (1 John 3:18) while meeting very real needs and equipping parents to care for their children in a variety of ways such as providing physical and occupational therapy, partnering with other organizations and hospitals to provide access to much needed medical care and nutrition supplements, assisting parents in getting assistive devices and learning how to use them, promoting access to special education, and family empowerment that helps families to become independent in providing for their children. 
Together, we can help children who have disabilities and their families understand that they are not cast aside or forgotten by our Father in heaven, but instead they are, as we all are, "Precious in His Sight."

To see children in need of a one time sponsorship, please use this link:

To see a children who need an ongoing sponsorship, please use this link: