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Community Center/Playground- Blanks

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Some time ago, God began to birth a vision in our hearts and minds to impact our community in a greater way. As of recently, God has presented us with the opportunity to begin making this a reality. We have already purchased the land.We would love to begin making a Community Center where the children especially can come for games, activities, and Bible teaching. This would include an open pavilion type structure, a football pitch (soccer field), a basketball court, a volleyball court, and a playground for younger children. Please consider partnering with us in this endeavor as God leads. Above all else, we covet your prayers in this undertaking.

Will you consider being a part of this exciting way to reach people with God's love?
( Below is the list of projects for the community center, in the order they should be done)

  1. Leveling the area in preparation for the playground, football pitch, and basketball court-$3,700
  2. Fencing the perimeter-$7,542
  3. Playground purchase/transportation/installation- $32,785
  4. Basketball court- $10,842
  5. Community center building- no amount yet

*If you make a donation towards this project, we will use it in the above order.  If you wish to designate your gift towards a specific project, you will need to contact us privately to make your desire known.