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Samuel UG-KH3022

Samuel is a young boy in Uganda in need of sponsorship.  He currently lives with his grandmother and his brother as their parents abandoned them.  His grandmother does small odd jobs to earn money such as selling charcoal and farming but it isn't enough to support the family and pay for school fees.  Samuel dreams of being a doctor when he grows up and loves to play sports!  Would you prayerfully consider helping him and brining help, hope and dignity in Jesus' name?

Family Duties: Cleaning and farming

Daily Meals: one meal a day usually consisting of posho, rice or potatoes

Disabilities: None

Mother: No
Father: No
Siblings: 1 brother

*Stories do not necessarily reflect the assistance of ECM. ECM covers general educational costs, basic needs and medical needs for all children enrolled. *
DOB: 05/04/2013
Country: Uganda