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Loy UG-KK1031

Loy lives in the Mayuge district with her father and twin sister, Sarah. They came to Kampala with their mother because of the poverty in Karamoja. Unfortunately the father was no help in providing for them, as he is lame and an alcoholic. He only survives by begging and using the money for alcohol. They were sleeping on the streets.  The mother has recently died, and the father heard about it and came to stay with the girls, though he cannot do much for them. They currently live in the Katwe slums in a ramshackle little house and sleep on old, dirty bags and used boxes.  No one in the family is literate. The girls were in primary school but had to drop out. Thankfully everyone is HIV negative. They speak and write a little English. They are believers in Jesus, but they have no Bible.
DOB: 02/24/2013
Country: Uganda