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Denis CC-AM003

Denis and his siblings live with their guardians in the Apokor community.  Their parents both died suddely in 2011 and they were left in the care of relatives.  The gaurdians struggle to care for the children's basic needs.  Denis is able to attend school sometimes when they are able to pay the fees but not with regular attendance.  When he is able to attend, he is one of the brightest students in class. Would you prayerfully considering helping him and bringing Hope, Help and Dignity in Jesus' name?

Family Duties: Denis helps with basic home duties like cooking and cleaning

Daily Meals: 0-2 meals a day usually consisting of carbohydrates such as potatoes, rice, posho and bread.

Disabilities: None

Father: Deceased
Mother: Deceased
Siblings: 3 brothers, 1 sisters

*Stories do not necessarily reflect the assistance of ECM. ECM covers general educational costs, basic needs and medical needs for all children enrolled. *
DOB: 10/08/2008
Country: Uganda