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Every Child Ministries

Transforming Lives in Jesus' Name

ECM Co-Founder John E. Rouster - 1942-2024

More than forty years ago, God called a farmer and a teacher to bring the Good News of Jesus to a remote part of Congo.  They answered that call and in the following years did everything God asked of them without hesitation.  When God finally called the Farmer in from the field on June 6, 2024, He greeted him with that phrase we all long to hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” 
It truly was a job well done by the most faithful of servants.  We here at Every Child Ministries, along with countless children in Africa, will be eternally grateful for his heart of service, as John carried out task after task with love and commitment, always pointing people to Jesus. 
Well done, John, well done. 


We bring the transforming power of the Gospel to the most vulnerable...

The communities we serve are often weighed down by issues too heavy for them to bear alone:
  • Poverty
  • Poor Health Care
  • Trafficking
  • Lack of Education
But these problems cannot be addressed adequately until broken relationships are repaired, and people are re-connected with God.  The gospel message brings restoration, allowing entire communities to find better ways to solve today's problems and find hope for a brighter future.

The Hope Fund

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Hope for Today
  • Immediate and Long Term Food Needs
  • Medical Attention
  • Clean and Accessible Water
  • Help for those with Disabilities and Albinism
Hope for Tomorrow
  • Primary Education
  • Secondary Education
  • Haven of Hope Academy
  • Vocational Training
  • Entrepreneurship Opportunities
  • University Education
Hope for Eternity
  • Knowledge of Jesus
  • Saturday Bible Clubs
  • Pastoral and Biblical Leadership Training
  • Men's Bible Studies
  • Spiritual Guidance and Mentoring for Families
Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon.
Isaiah 58:10 (NLT)