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Caroline UG-GZ700

Caroline is a young girl in need of sponsorship in Uganda.  Her mother suffered severely during childbirth, and this has left her unable to work and support her family.  Caroline's father abandoned them when he learned that the mother would no longer be able to produce children and he has since passed away.  Caroline is left with her sister and mother doing small jobs such as washing and digging in order to get by.  She is unable to attend school due to the fees, but she is extremely bright and shows promise.    Will you prayerfully consider helping her and bringng Hope, Help and Dignity in Jesus' name?

Family Duties: Caroline performs small jobs in order to feed her mother and sister as well as taking on household duties.

Daily Meals: Meals are irregular and some days, Caroline goes without any meals at all.

Disabilities:  None

Mother: Yes
Father: No/Deceased
Siblings: Sister
Country: Uganda