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Cathy Hayes

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Catherine Hayes is a devoted Christian whose heart was drawn to the beautiful Acholi people in  Northern Uganda during a short-term missionary trip with ECM in the summer of 2008. 

Cathy began her long-term missionary nursing career with ECM at the end of May 2011. She lives and ministers in Gulu Town in Northern Uganda. Cathy is a volunteer nurse at Gulu Regional Hospital and has worked a variety of wards; medical ward and pediatrics ward. Cathy is presently ministering God’s love in the antenatal clinic. She really love teaching, and mentoring students! 

She keeps her Ugandan nursing license, and her work permit valid. Cathy has assisted the nursing staff by inserting IV lines, obtaining blood samples and dispensing medications to her patients. In antenatal clinic she dispenses medication and does prenatal teaching among others nursing tasks. 

Besides medical work Cathy preaches at churches and sets up businesses for women in the community. She also oversees the health needs of the Gulu Hope Center sponsored kids and tends to their spiritual needs by teaching bible lessons to them.  

Cathy has a special place in her heart for people with albinism. She sets up businesses  for her albino families and provides lifesaving supplies such as sunscreen, hats, and lip balm. She also addresses their spiritual needs. 

There is always a great need for medical ministry workers in Uganda, and Cathy is so grateful that God has chosen her to fill that need. In Cathy’s very own words "Tending to the health and spiritual needs of children and adults in Africa is a wonderful way to express and show the love of God." We are thankful to have her partner with us. 

There is strength and power in partnership, and together we can impact the world and accomplish marvelous things to the glory of God! Please prayerfully consider sowing into this ministry.