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Shoe Drive

Have you cleaned out your closet lately? Those shoes that have been sitting there unworn actually have value! 
We're excited about this fundraiser because you don't have to buy ANYTHING! We collect all types of gently worn, used and new shoes: sneakers, boots, dress shoes, sandals, athletic and casual shoes - even slippers and flip-flops. We want them all!

Every Child Ministries earns funds based on the total weight of the shoes collected. Those dollars will benefit the Next Step Program of Every Child Ministries. All donated shoes are then redistributed throughout the Funds2Orgs network of microenterprise partners in developing nations. Funds2Orgs helps impoverished people start, maintain and grow businesses in countries such as Haiti, Honduras and other nations in Central America and Africa. Proceeds from the shoe sales are used to feed, clothe and house their families.
Our next collection will start in Spring 2025.

For real time updates click here: Facebook Events!
Thank you so much for your support and stayed tuned for our upcoming Spring 2025 dates!